Frequent questions

1.- What parcel do you use to make shipments?
We trust Estafeta to deliver your products safely to the door of your home.

2.- What does shipping cost?
We offer you shipping for only $199 MXN, regardless of the size of the package.

3.- Do you have a returns system?
Yes, we will gladly refund your money if you are not satisfied with your BigidyOaxaca product. You have 15 business days to make your claim and resend the item.

NOTE: Reshipping is at your expense. In order for us to refund your money, you must notify us by email that you wish to make a return, so we can be aware of the arrival of the package and monitor the status of the merchandise. If the merchandise is intact, we will notify you and return your money to the account you indicate.

4.- How long will it take for my package to arrive?

In standard shipping by Estafeta, your package can arrive at the door of your home within 3 to 5 business days.

5.- Can you send with MEXPOST?

Yes, for some of our products there is the option to ship with MEXPOST. However, the arrival period may take up to 15 business days.

6.- Can you make special products?

Yes of course. Write to us at and share your project with us.

7.- Can you gift wrap and send to the address I request?

Yes, for only $45 MXN we will gift wrap your product. We can also send it to the address you want. Just select the shipping as gift option from our menu and set the address you want to send it to.

8.- Do you have gift cards?

Yes, we have electronic gift cards for any amount you like.

Still have questions? write to us at